Through Their Eyes...
1796 Letter
Captain William Cook,
Commanding The
Sloop Beaver,
to the ship's owners
Messrs Hawthorn & Kerr
of Philadelphia.
Messrs Hawthorn & Kerr} Charleston Oct 13, 1797
I take this first opportunity
to inform you of my arrival here after a long and (illegible) passage.
Mr Ewing informs me he has your orders to sell the
Beaver which I think is the best thing you
can do with hir (her) as without doubt she is the most
unfortunate vessel that ever went to see (sea) and unless
person more fortunate than my self should command
hir (her) she will with out doubt prove ruinous to any one
concerned in hir (her) Since my leaving Rotterdam I have
lost one cable and anchor in the Downs Several of my
Spars & Sails & cc. The anchor & cable I replaced
at Deal giving a draft om Messrs Therwan(SP?) & Sons to
to be placed to your acct which the under writers must
undoubtedly pay for as I was obliged to cut the cable
for the preservation of vessel and cargo ~ What sails
I lost I replaced at sea having canvas on board
belonging to Messrs Hazlehurst & Co. which I must acct
to them for loss. I wrote to you the 20th of September
from Bermuda which I expect you have received
before this. Should you order the Beaver for Philad and
I continue in hir (her). I advise you not to fail to get hir (her) insured
from this to Philad if she is not so now. She is now
in better repeare (repair) then when she left Philadelphia.
I am Gentleman
your obedt
though unfortunate
Wm Cook
Should my family be in Philad you will confer a
grait (great) favour on me by supplying them with whatever
thay may be in want of ~
(In margin)
Capt Cook
Charleston / need to reply