Through Their Eyes...
William Ceever Vs James Reed - Lewistown,
Mifflin County,
1817 - 1828
Writ of Habeas Corpus, Dec. 1826
Mifflin County SS
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the said
County of Mifflin and to every of them Greetings. We command you that they body of James Reed
in our prison under your custody as it is said detained by whatsoever name the said James Reed
may be charged in the same under safe and secure conduct together with the day and cause of
his being taken and detained you have before one or more of the Justices of the Supreme
Court to be held at Lewistown in and for the County of Mifflin aforesaid the _______________
Day of ______________ next, then and then to do and receive whatsoever our same Justices shall
consider in that behalf. And have you then there this unit. Witness The Honourable
William Tilghman Esquire, Chief Justice of our said Supreme Court at Lewistown
the _______ day of December Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty six
Allowed per
Charles (Illegible)
signed: W Mitchell Clk Cir Court
Answer to Habeas Corpus, Judges, Court of Common Pleas, Mifflin County, PA
The body of James Reed within named in prison under our custody detained by the name of James Reed, under which name he is charged with the day and cause of his being taken and detained under safe and secure conduct - We the judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Mifflin have before the Honourable the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania at the day and place within mentioned together with this unit as within commanded. So Answers
Joseph Edmiston