Through Their Eyes...
Maritime Insurance Letter 1851
Boston Jany 10, 1851
Mr Wm Witherle
Dear Sir,
Your Favor
of the 6th to Hall & Myrich is at hand your
insurance on freight of Lochinvar
from N. Orleans to Trieste was effected
at the time the order came & I supposed
you were informed of the same. I paid
1 1/2 % & had it (Illegible) on W W (Illegible) open
policy Your account you will receive
in a day or two & I will pay over to Messers
Rice & Waxters $30 as interest on my
Notes. I had rather pay it to them & will
send you a receipt. I regret I have not
been able to pay the note that is due but
will pay a part of it soon.
Yours very truly,
Isaac C. Hall