Through Their Eyes...
John Layport Collection
John Layport was born in Washington, Maryland in 1771 and died in 1839 near Deersville, Harrison County, Ohio. This collection includes receipts collected by his executors while distributing his estate. Included in the collection is an IOU and a lawsuit he was involved in (representative of the plaintiff) before his death. Dates range from 1827 - 1845.
Collections like this one are fairly common as they were kept by the executors of the deceased and are often found intact. Sadly many sellers today break them up selling each receipt individually.
Thank you to John Welsh, one of John Layport's descendants, for corrections to the above.
(spelling in transcriptions are as in documents)
September the 22nd, 1827
John Layport or/
John Mummy
John Prather
Debt $25.37 1/2
Justice fees
Summons $0.12 1/2
Judgement 0.12 1/2
Execution 0.25
Transcript 0.25
Constable costs on
said sute(sp)
$0.75 cts
Article action on an article of agreement for building fence to the amount of twenty dollars and thirty-seven and a half cents summons I sent to Bell const returnable the 29th instant summons returned legally served the defendant not appearing Judgement by default the pantive recover of the defendant the sum of twenty two dollars and thirtyseven 1/2 cents with incuring interest and cost of sute March the 24th 1828 execution issued to George W. Bell const returned April the nineteenth levied on three cows and two horses stayed by order John Layport agent for the plantive till futher order
Joseph Johnson, Justice of the Peace.
In the sute wherein John Mummy is plantive and John Prather defendant I Charles Mummy do acknowledge myself bail for the defendant in the sum of twenty two dollars and thirtyseven and half cent with Increuing interest and cost of sute to be levied on my goods and chattle lands tenniments in case the defendant fails to pay the debt for which judgement was rendered against him in said sute as witness my hand this 22 day of October A. D. 1827
Charles Mummy
The state of Ohio
Harrison County
I do here by Certify the above to be a true coppy and judgement had before me Joseph Johnson Justice of the Peace in and for said county this tenth day of March 1837.
Joseph Johnson, JP
January the 6th 1827 Mr John Preater please to pay the bearer John laport twenty two dollars and in so doing you will oblige me
John Mumy
Sept 25th 1838
the Estate of John Layport Deceased to
Joseph Forkes Dr
To 1a Tobacco _ _ _ _ 0.18 3/4
Sept 29th 1839 Recd the above bill of 18 3/4 cents in full of William Layport Exector of said John Layport Estate
Joseph Forkes
Deersville May 3th 1839
Received of Wlliam Layp in full for making coffin 7.00 he being executor of his father's estate.
Aaron Moor
Recd April 20th 1839 of the estate of John Layport deceased by the hand of William Layport Seven Dollars Nineteen cents in full of account to this date
Robert Pettis Jr.
State of Ohio Harrison County
Received of William Layport one of the Executors of the estate of John Layport
Deceased seventy five cents Drawing the Will April the 28 A. D. 1840
John Hines
A true and acurate inventory of the goods and chattle of John Layport late of the Township of Stock in the County of Harrison Deceased as presented to the undersigned William Burney, Richard Downs, and Jacob Schee appraisors appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of said county by William Layport and George W. Bell Executors of said estate this sixth day of June A. D. 1839
Lot of mason tools_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.00
two sorrel horses_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _70.00
one Bay Mare_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _50.00
three cows and three calvs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.00
one cow and two stears_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _34.00
twenty sheep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18.00
one Wagon_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20.00
three Bee Hives_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.00
three kettles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6.00
one lot of hans guns(?)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.00
two plows and 16 hornsteeth(?)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.00
two traps_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.00
total amount of appraisement_ _ _ _ _ _ _278.00
Given under our hand the day and year aforesaid
Jacob Schee
Richard Downs
William Burney
Six months after date I promise to pay to John Layport fifty dollars it being for value received
Aprile 29th 1836
I. W(?) Cooper
December 2nd 1838
John Layport (ilegible) (Illegible)
to John Lyons (Illegible) to dressing
(Illegible) (Illegible) (Illegible) 11 yds at 6 1/4 _ _ _ 0.68 3/4
Do to dressing (Illegible) (Illegible) 16 3/4 yards at 8 cts $1.34
received the above at 2.02 3/4
by the hand of William Layport
one of the (Illegible) by John Lyons (Illegible)
May 15th 1839 Received of William Layport or john lay one dollar and nintythree cts it being of tax in School District No 4 Stock Township it being in full of all demands up to this date against the estate John Layport Deseast
Christopher Spiker
Received of Wm Leaport executor of John Leaport estate forty four dollars twelve and half cents in full of bill for attendance in his last illness December 24th 1839
W Hamilton
April the 28 A. D. 1840
Received of William Layport one of the executors of the Estate of John Layport Deceased .75 cts Proving the will.
John Tipton
1840 receipt, largely illegible.
signed by
Thomas (Illegible)
Franklin March 31st 1840
Received of George W. Bell and William Layport Executors of the Estate of John Layport Deceased One hundred Dollars it being in full of my portion of the Estate of Said John Layport given under my hand the day and year above written.
Samuel X Marshall